Volker Wiechert

With the advances in nanotechnology and in modern material growth techniques research has recently moved increasingly into the nanometre size scale. Data storage and processing to date has always used a scalar quantity: the charge of the electron.

An alternative strategy for carrying out logical operations and processing information lies in the use of so-called spin waves (magnons). Their vectorial character could significantly increase efficiency in terms of energy consumption and calculation speed compared to previous technology. Magnons can be generated with ultra-short femtosecond laser pulses. First investigations have shown that magnons can be generated and manipulated on extreme time scales. However, one key question regarding the transmission of information is still unanswered: How do high- and deep-energy magnons propagate in space on the femtosecond time scale?

In order to gain access to the ultrafast dynamics in space and time, I am developing a low-temperature magneto-optical microscope together with Moritz Cimander, which allows the investigation of the propagation of magnons with femtosecond time and sub-300nm spatial resolution.